Our office remains open. However, for the safety of our staff and our broader communities, Conservation Districts across the state ask that visitors be considerate of others and keep away if they are or have been feeling ill, and that our program participants continue using other methods — email, mail, mailbox drop-off, etc. — when requesting, sending, or receiving materials.
Our monthly meetings,
held on the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.,
are open to the public.
Contact us in advance if you’d like to
attend one of our meetings via Zoom.
Meeting ID — 763 107 0957
Password — JCCD
PHONE: 606-287-4284
FAX: 606-287-5643
EMAIL: jcconsdist@prtcnet.org / jckyconservation@gmail.com
MAILBOX: drop off materials
Today’s students. Tomorrow’s leaders.
We offer a scholarship as a way of investing in our community’s children and their future.