We’ve got a lot goin’ on!
Please contact us about State Cost Share opportunities! There is no deadline for signing up, but applications are reviewed in Frankfort annually. The next round of applications will be reviewed in November 2025,
but applications may be submitted any time.
This program reimburses approved applicants 75% of their costs, up to $20,000.
We can mail or email you the details!
View or download the relevant forms here:
*Please only fill out the “Applicant Information” section. We’ll do the rest.
Agriculture Water Quality Plans (AWQPs)
As of July 2021, there is a new online process for completing AWQPs. The user guide, a PDF document, may be downloaded from the link below. Click here to get started creating a new account. If you already have an account, go here to log in.
The state of Kentucky requires you to have an updated AWQP on file, online, before being approved for certain programs, including state cost share and CAIP. This requires applicants to have an email address and sign up for an account. (It works just like signing up for an account for anything else anywhere online.)
Correspondence about your AWQP may come to that email address, and so will security codes you may need to access and update your AWQP in the future.
Our office no longer keeps AWQPs on file, and we do not need anything from you. Note that we cannot provide tech support or complete an AWQP for you. The website is maintained by the state, and they offer their own technical support services.
Razor & Carton Recycling
Bring us your disposable razors and their packaging! Any brand or variety! Just put them in the bin on our front porch, and we’ll take care of the rest!
We are delighted to collaborate with the Jackson County Detention Center on this. They bring us their used razors and packaging, saving over 10,000 razors from landfills in a year.
We also partner with the Carton Council to recycle beverage cartons like these! Just inside our front door is a bin for dropping off cartons.
Items you bring us for recycling should be rinsed and mostly dry.
Please do not drop them off in plastic bags.
Tree Giveaway
Every April, to commemorate Earth Day and Arbor Day, we give away several hundred native tree saplings! They are completely free!
The 2025 giveaway will be April 21st, starting at 9:00 a.m. Limit one tree per person. First come, first served.
Offered species, from Oakland Farm Trees, will be announced soon.
We will have other items to give away as well! Come check us out and see what we’ve got!
Garden Seed & Plants
Begins 3/10/25 & ends 6/7/25
We offer 100% reimbursement, up to $75.00, on vegetable seeds or plants and one container of all-purpose fertilizer (such as 10-10-10) from any Jackson County seller, including Dollar General, JCHS greenhouse, Amish greenhouses, Green Door, and others. You may purchase from multiple vendors, as long as they are in Jackson County. We only need itemized receipts as proof of purchase.
This does NOT pay for trays, potting soil, pesticides, flowers, tools, or other accessories. This is for fruits, vegetables, and one container of fertilizer only.
Limited to one reimbursement per household. Non-itemized receipts will not be accepted. Receipts MUST show that you have purchased eligible items.
ORIGINAL RECEIPTS MUST BE BROUGHT IN PERSON OR MAILED TO US. We can no longer accept emailed receipts, and we can no longer return original receipts to you.
When mailing receipts, be sure to include the following:
Your name
Your physical address
Your mailing address, if different
Your phone number
We will mail your check to you. Again, we will NOT return original receipts, and will NOT accept emailed receipts. If you need your receipts for something else, we will gladly make you a copy. However, we must retain the originals.
Our office is on south 421 directly across from the school bus garage, in the Kentucky Mountain Housing building.
Email us if you have any questions! To mail receipts, send to:
3258 Hwy. 421 S.
McKee, KY 40447
Environmental Grant (Septic Systems)
now accepting applications for 2025
This fund is to assist qualifying Jackson County homeowners in repairing old septic systems or installing new ones. It covers 100% of the cost, including fees, site inspection, materials, and labor. Eligibility requirements are:
There must be an existing home on site. This fund is not for new home construction.
Applicant must provide proof of ownership of the property requiring septic repair/installation.
Applicant must provide proof of electrical service at that property, in his or her own name.
Applicant must qualify for assistance under HUD's poverty guidelines (see chart on application below).
Applicant must complete the one-page application.
Once all of these materials are submitted to our office, the application must be reviewed and approved at the Conservation District's next board meeting. At that point, the applicant will receive an approval (or denial) letter, and must sign an agreement. Then we will contact the Jackson County Health Department to schedule a site inspection, hire a qualified person to complete the repair or installation, and notify the applicant once it's complete.
You may download the necessary forms below. When possible, please complete them electronically and email them to us at jcconsdist@prtcnet.org. You may also print them and mail them, or deliver them to our office in person.
Environmental Grant Application | Environmental Grant Agreement
We receive this grant every spring, and it’s a very popular and in-demand program. The money goes fast! If you keep missing out, please contact Eastern Kentucky PRIDE. They also help with septic tanks, among many others things!
Local Cost Share: Lime
Taking applications continuously
This fund is first come, first served, until we just can’t spare any more money!
It pays 50% of the cost of your lime and spreading it, up to $599.00.
To qualify, you must simply:
Provide current soil test results showing that your property needs lime;
Fill out our one-page application and sign the agreement (below); and
Preferred: have an Ag Water Quality Plan on file no more than 3 years old. (See above.)
You may email (preferred), mail, or drop these materials off in person or in our mailbox.
Once we receive all these items, your application will be reviewed at the next Board meeting. Then you will receive a letter notifying you of your approval (or denial), at which point you can begin the work.
You may download the application below. When possible, please complete them electronically and email them to us at jcconsdist@prtcnet.org.